Answering All Your Septic Tank Cleaning Questions

  • How often should I get my septic tank pumped?

    For an average sized 3 to 4 bedroom home, we recommend about every 3 to 5 years. Depending on the size of your home or business, and the number of people who use the system on a regular basis, your septic system may need more frequent cleaning and maintenance.

  • How do I know when there is a problem with my sewage system?

    There’s likely be odours, persistent damp areas or particularly lush areas in your yard around the system or pipes. Your toilet could be gurgling or not flushing away properly or even leaking sewage around the man-hole cover of the tank itself. In bigger, industrial sized systems you could have electrical tripping occurring.

    We strongly recommend not waiting until there is a problem and organising regular maintenance for your system.

  • Where is the waste removed to?

    After we pump and clean out your system, we remove the waste in our sealed truck to be emptied safely at a sewage pumping station.

  • What if I have a problem?

    Problems almost never occur when systems are maintained and emptied frequently. However surprises do occur and we recommend not attempting to deal with any raw sewage problems yourself. Please just give us a call right away on 0427 350 360.

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